Tapping for Coaches

Recorded April 1, 2024 | Facilitated by John Eisenschmidt | Presented by Dr. Bob Bray


Event Invite:

First: Some Background on Tapping

If you have read “The Body Keeps the Score“, Bessel van der Kolk talks about the efficacy of tapping as a treatment. Like Acupuncture, it’s a technique to stimulate the meridian energy system in our body. This video, which is anchored in the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), explains the science better than I would be able to: https://www.evidencebasedeft.com/the-science-of-tapping

Which Tapping Technique, and why?

I think any tapping technique can be beneficial. Both links above refer to EFT, a set of tapping algorithms that can be deployed for specific issues/circumstances. If you know EFT and you like EFT, please keep tapping with EFT. 

For the past few years, I’ve studied Thought Field Therapy (TFT), which also has a series of algorithms: e.g. if someone is in crisis, you can invite them to tap the crisis tapping pattern

What TFT adds — which I find more skillful to meet clients where they’re at — is Causal Diagnosis (TFT-DX)Practitioners of Somatics, Presence, and Mindfulness, who are used to listening deeply within themselves, and to their clients, may appreciate helping clients connect into their own energy system, asking it “what it needs to move forward”.

How Might Coaches Tap with their Clients?

The word “Therapy” in TFT initially tripped me up. As Coaches, our scope of practice is forward-looking (rarely backward-looking, never archaeology) — BUT when clients are “stuck” moving forward, or overwhelmed with emotion or sensation as they take new actions, tapping can be a useful tool for them to stay embodied — present to their feelings — ask their body what it needs to self-regulate, and quickly shift from overwhelm to manageable. And what I love about TFT-DX, versus EFT or TXT algorithms, it’s the exact tapping pattern their body has told them it needs, for this issue, in this moment. 

The Invitation

Join us for this 45-minute discussion about Thought Field Therapy: how it can be a skillful tool in any Coach’s toolbox, along with live demonstration, and Q&A.